Autoresponders are often used as "out of office" messages. It's a...
Email Accounts vs. ForwardersIn cPanel you can add Email Accounts and email Forwarders. Which one you choose depends on how...
Email ForwardersForwarders enable you to send a copy of all mail from one address to another. It functions in the...
Exporting Contacts from RoundcubeHere's how toexport your contacts from your Roundcube webmail so you can use them in other email...
Exporting Email Messages from RoundcubeMessages from your inbox or any other folder can be downloaded to your computer for archiving or...
Exporting Email from RoundcubeTo export email from Roundcube: 1. Select individual messages in the Messages List2. Choose...
Getting Undeliverable MessagesAre you getting tons of undeliverable email notices because of emails you didn't send? One of...
Helpful Hints for Stopping SpamHelpful Hints for Stopping SpamWhen each of us open our inbox at any given moment we may find...
MX RecordA mail exchanger record (MX record) specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email...
POP or IMAP?IMAP or POP? Should use use IMAP or POP for your email? Here are some details about both to...
Setting Up EmailTo use email on your domain name, you must: 1. Setup your email addresses in cPanel using the...
Spam AssassinThe Spam Assassin spam tool is automatically enabled on all hosting accounts. Spam Assassin does...
Using an SPF RecordAn SPF record is a type of Domain Name Service (DNS) record that identifies which mail servers...
WebmailWebmail allows you to send and receive email from any computer that has an internet connection...
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