
Autoresponders are often used as "out of office" messages. It's a message that goes out automatically when someone emails you. 

1. Login to your cpanel 

2. Click on the AutoReponders icon in the Mail section

3. Click the "Add an Autoresponder" button

4. Type the email address the autoresonder should apply to, then type the text, subject and date/time you want the reply to start and end. (The email address you type in must be an existing email account or forwarder in your cpanel Email Accounts)

5. Click the Create/Modify button

That's it! You don't even have to go back in when you get back since you can set the end time.

The next time you need an Autoresponder, you can just edit the one already set up.

When configuring an auto responder, you can use the following tags to insert information into the text:

%subject% - The subject of the message sent to the auto responder.

%from% - The name of the sender of the message received by the auto responder, if available.

%email%- The incoming email sender's address.
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