Helpful Hints for Stopping Spam

Helpful Hints for Stopping Spam

When each of us open our inbox at any given moment we may find bills, newsletters, correspondence and dreaded spam.  Each of us have tried our hand at spam filters but wouldn't you know it, some spam still slips through.
  • What is spam?
    Webopeidia defines spam as "electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings." More generally spam is any unsolicited email usually in the form of an advertisement.
  • What is not spam?
    Legitimate business email, and email sent from a company that you have done business with is not considered spam.
How to Put a Stop to Spam
Stopping spam is hard work.  it takes dedication.
  1. Prevention
    Prevention is the best medicine so be careful who you give your email address to.  If possible, use more then one email address - one for communication with friends and family and a second one for online sign-ups, business newsletters, and other unfamiliar sources.  If your secondary email starts receiving a lot of spam, delete it and replace it with a new one.

  2. Use Filters
    Use your email application's spam filters.  More information on HostingCT's Spam Assassin and Sign up for MailSecure service

  3. Getting rid of spam is a matter of reporting the activity to the service providers the spammers are using to send emails and to maintain the domain names they’re advertising. - See more at:
    Report Spammers
    An agressive approach to eliminating spam is to report the spammers activity to the internet service provider (ISP) that they are using to send spam.  To find this information, you will need to obtain and read the full email header, track down the ISP, access domain registration records, and submit the information.  Click here to report spam to the FCC.

  4. Don't Publish Your Main Email Address on your Website
    Spammers often gather email addresses that are displayed on web pages. Don't use your email address on your website's Contact Us page. Use a separate email address like or better yet, (longer names generally receive less random spam).
    Getting rid of spam is a matter of reporting the activity to the service providers the spammers are using to send emails and to maintain the domain names they’re advertising. - See more at:

How do I get my email program to reveal the full, unmodified email including headers?  More info.

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