
 Adding A Video To Your Website

The easiest way to put watchable video on your site may be to upload it to YouTube and then put...

 Annual Website Maintenance

At the start of the new year, it's a good time to take a good look at your website and review it...

 Custom Favorites Icon

Your Bookmark IconWhenever someone bookmarks a website (using a favicon-compatible browser), a...

 Do It Yourself or Hire a Designer?

Carefully consider whether you have the capabilities and resources available to you - to present...

 Email Link or Form?

There are two main ways websites allow you to contact the site owner.1. Email form - requires...

 HTML Tips

HTML = Hypertext Markup LanguageHtml has been the standard language of web pages for years. It is...

 Image File Size

The last thing you want on your site is slow-loading pages. When visitors come by, you want them...

 Naming Your Web Pages and Directories

To ensure that your files can be used by the largest possible audience, stick to the following...

 Planning Your Web Site

Are You Ready?Before creating a web site for your business, spend some time determining if you're...

 Server Side Includes

SSI InstructionsServer Side Includes are HTML comments that direct the server to dynamically...

 Top 10 Website Mistakes

You've got a website. Great! But is it bringing you new business? The not-so-old axiom, "if you...

 Using Your Diskspace Wisely

Make Good Use of Your DiskspaceWe all tend to take our disk space for granted. But when it's...

 Web Site Worksheet

 This is a collection of items/concepts you should include when planning your web site. 1. Your...

 Website Terms Explained

How is a website like an apartment? Read on to find out and have all the website lingo explained...

 Year End Business Review

Did the business accomplish all its goals? If so, great! How do you replicate and exceed that for...

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